Coffee Toffee Bark

The freshly ground coffee intensifies the flavor of the finished candy, and the toffee lends crunch. Do not be tempted to use instant coffee granules or the final result will be disappointing. For the best texture, purchase a good-quality white chocolate made with pure cocoa butter.



Butter a baking sheet and line with waxed paper.

Place the white chocolate in the top pan of a double boiler or in a heatproof bowl. Place over but not touching hot (not simmering) water in the lower pan. Turn off the heat and let stand, without stirring, until the chocolate begins to melt. Then stir until just melted and smooth. Mix in the coffee and the chopped plain toffee. Pour onto the prepared baking sheet. Using a silicone or rubber spatula, spread to an even thickness of 1/4 inch. It should form a rectangle approximately 12 by 6 inches. Sprinkle immediately with the chocolate-covered toffee. Refrigerate, uncovered, until firm, about 1 hour.

Gently peel the candy from the waxed paper. Holding the candy with the waxed paper (to prevent fingerprints), break the chocolate into large, irregular pieces. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Makes about 1/2 lb. candy.

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