Cucumber Rounds with Smoked Salmon and Lime Aioli

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Aioli is a garlic-flavored mayonnaise that originated in Provence, in the South of France. When making the aioli, be sure to add the olive oil slowly while the food processor is running so the mixture will emulsify.



In the bowl of a food processor, combine the garlic, lime juice and egg yolk and process in short pulses until smooth. With the motor running, add the oil through the feed tube in a slow, steady stream until smooth and blended. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer the lime aioli to a small bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Using a mandoline or vegetable slicer, slice the cucumber crosswise into slices 1/4 inch thick to make about 30 pieces. Slice the radishes into paper-thin slices to make about 30 pieces.

To assemble, lay the cucumber slices out on a clean serving tray or platter, place a small amount of aioli on each slice and decoratively arrange a piece of smoked salmon over the aioli. Garnish with a piece of shaved radish and a few sprouts. Cover loosely and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Makes about 30 pieces.

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