Curried Crab Salad with Mango-Mojo Sauce

Lime juice, garlic, oregano and cumin are some of the seasonings often found in the archetypal Cuban spiced vinaigrette known as mojo. Those same flavors, combined with a puree of sweet and aromatic fresh mango, give this sophisticated seafood salad a refreshing kick.



Bring a saucepan three-fourths full of water to a boil over high heat. Add the asparagus and boil for 3 minutes. Drain and immerse in cold water to stop the cooking. Drain again. Cut all but 8 of the asparagus on the diagonal into 3/4¿inch lengths. Set aside.

In a blender, combine the mango, lime juice, garlic and cumin and blend until smooth. If the mixture is too thick, thin to a sauce consistency with the water. Set the sauce aside.

In a bowl, combine the cut asparagus, crabmeat, cucumber, mayonnaise, the 1/4 cup chives and curry powder. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.

Arrange the crab salad on a plate. Garnish with the reserved asparagus spears and a sprinkling of chives. Pass the sauce at the table.

Serves 4.

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