Chocolate-Covered Dates with Nut Butter

Cramming for exams? Our fruity, nutty and chocolaty treats will sustain you through a long night of studying. We don’t list quantities below—just prepare as many dates as you like. They keep well in the fridge or freezer, so you can have a stash on hand to share with friends who drop by.



Using a paring knife, make a slice lengthwise along the top of each date. Remove and discard the pit and gently open the date. Spread a small amount of nut butter on the inside of each date, then close. Set in the fridge.

In a small microwave-safe bowl, microwave the chocolate in 10-second increments until melted. Stir in a small amount of coconut oil to thin out.

Using a fork, submerge the filled dates into the chocolate and toss to coat. Transfer to a plate and decorate as desired with peanuts, flaky sea salt and/or mini chocolate chips. Refrigerate until the chocolate hardens, about 30 minutes. The dates can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Williams Sonoma Test Kitchen

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