Homemade Yogurt

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The active cultures in homemade yogurt provide a wonderful tangy flavor and aid in digestion. The easiest, most foolproof way to make yogurt at home is to buy a yogurt maker. Start making the yogurt at least one night before you plan to serve it. For flavored yogurt, stir in chopped fresh fruit, vanilla or other flavor extracts, jelly or jam, or pureed berries or other soft fruits; sweeten to taste with sugar or honey.



In a saucepan over medium heat, bring the milk to a boil. Immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Place the end of an instant-read thermometer in the pan of milk. When the milk has cooled to lukewarm (110°F), in a bowl, combine about 1 cup of the milk and the yogurt and stir until smooth. Then, stirring constantly, slowly pour the mixture back into the pan of warm milk.

Pour the milk-yogurt mixture into the containers of a home yogurt maker and process overnight according to the manufacturers instructions. Serve warm the next morning, or cover and refrigerate before serving. Store the yogurt, tightly covered, in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Reserve some of the homemade yogurt to begin making your next batch, if desired. Makes about 4 cups.

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