Roasted Mushrooms, Potatoes and Green Beans

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Oven roasting at a high temperature concentrates the moisture and flavor in vegetables and requires little or no additional fat. The olive oil in this recipe is used more for its rich taste than out of necessity. The vegetables are sprinkled with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese during the last few minutes of roasting.



Preheat an oven to 400°F.

In a shallow, 9-by-13-inch baking dish, combine the mushrooms, potatoes and onion. Drizzle the vegetables with the olive oil, toss to coat evenly and spread in an even layer.

Roast until the vegetables begin to brown on the edges, about 30 minutes. Remove the dish from the oven, add the green beans and carefully turn and rearrange the vegetables in an even layer. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Continue to roast until the vegetables are browned and tender when pierced with a knife, about 15 minutes more. Sprinkle with the Parmigiano-Reggiano and thyme. Roast for 5 minutes more to melt the cheese.

Serve the vegetables directly from the baking dish or transfer to a serving bowl. Serves 4.

Adapted from Williams-Sonoma, Essentials of Healthful Cooking, by Mary Abbott Hess, Dana Jacobi & Marie Simmons (Oxmoor House, 2003).

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