Sicilian-Style Pizza Dough

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Prepared in a food processor, this dough comes together quickly. Use it to make our Sicilian Zucchini Pizza and Focaccia Pizza with Zucchini, Tomatoes and Arugula. If desired, add 2 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary to the food processor along with the flour, salt and olive oil.



In a food processor, combine the yeast, sugar and warm water and pulse once to mix. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add the flour, salt and olive oil and pulse until a rough ball forms, 8 to 10 pulses; the dough should be moist but not sticky. Transfer the dough to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let stand at room temperature until the dough is doubled in size, about 1 hour.

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Divide the dough into 2 equal pieces and roll each into a ball. Set on a flour-dusted baking sheet and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let stand at room temperature for 30 to 45 minutes. Alternatively, if you will not be using the dough immediately, refrigerate the dough balls (without letting them stand at room temperature) for up to 6 hours; then remove the dough from the refrigerator and let stand at room temperature for 30 to 45 minutes before using.

Place a ball of dough on a floured work surface. Roll out the dough into a 12-inch square about 1 inch thick, dusting with flour as needed. Top and bake as directed in your pizza recipe. Repeat with the remaining dough ball. Makes two 12-inch pizzas.

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