Assembling & Decorating the Snowman Cake

Assembling & Decorating the Snowman Cake
To assemble the cake and create the snowman dusted with confectioners' sugar or the snowman decorated with scarf and hat, prepare a half batch of vanilla buttercream. For the fully decorated snowman or the coconut-frosted snowman, prepare a full batch. You will have some buttercream left over. Buttercream can be refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Assembling the Snowman Cake
Return both halves of the cooled snowman cake to the pan. Level the cake by using a serrated knife to gently saw off the part of each cake half that rose above the edge of the pan. Then remove the front half of the snowman cake from the pan.

To secure the two halves together, spread a thin layer of vanilla buttercream, about 1/2 cup, over the cut side of the back half of the snowman (the one still in the pan). Place the front half on top of the buttercream and press down gently to secure the two halves. Refrigerate the cake in the pan until the buttercream is firm, about 30 minutes.

In the center of a serving plate, place a mound of buttercream the size of the snowman's base. Remove the cake from the pan by lifting the pan vertically and tilting it forward, then catching the cake with your hand. Place the snowman upright on the buttercream, cover loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the buttercream is firm, about 30 minutes. Decorate the cake as desired.

Snowman Dusted with Confectioners Sugar (allow about 10 minutes)
Using a fine-mesh sieve, lightly dust the front and back of the snowman with confectioners sugar. Using a small pastry brush dipped in water, brush away the sugar from any indented or raised areas on the cake (the markings on the pan will help identify these areas).

Snowman with Decorated Scarf and Hat (allow about 40 minutes)
Using food coloring paste, tint about 1 cup of the vanilla buttercream green. Tint about 1/4 cup of the buttercream red.

Fill the tube of a decorating tool with the green buttercream and fit it with the small leaf tip. Pipe the scarf around the snowmans neck. Change to the small round tip and outline the imprints of the 3 holly leaves on the hat. Change to the small basket-weave tip and pipe 3 horizontal lines over the imprinted mitten. Squeeze out the remaining green buttercream into a bowl, and thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with about 1/2 cup vanilla buttercream and fit it with the star tip. Pipe a button over each of the 3 button imprints. Change to the small round tip and pipe small dots over the imprints of the eyes and mouth. Squeeze out the remaining vanilla buttercream into a bowl, and thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the red buttercream and fit it with the small round tip. Pipe 1 small berry at the base of each of the piped holly leaves. Pipe red buttercream around the nose, starting at the base and swirling up toward the tip of the nose.

Fully Decorated Snowman (allow about 1 1/2 hours)
Using food coloring paste, tint about 1 cup of the vanilla buttercream green. Tint about 1 cup of the buttercream black. Tint about 1/4 cup of the buttercream orange.

Fill the tube of a decorating tool with about 2 cups vanilla buttercream and fit it with the star tip. Pipe small stars all around the snowman except for the imprints of the scarf, mitten, broom and hat. Pipe 1 star onto the mitten, which will be used to secure a gumdrop later. Squeeze out the remaining vanilla buttercream into a bowl, and thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the green buttercream and fit it with the small leaf tip. Pipe the scarf around the snowmans neck. Squeeze out the remaining green buttercream into a bowl, and thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the black buttercream and fit it with the small basket-weave tip. Pipe vertical lines down the sides and over the top of the hat. Change to the small round tip and pipe a thin line around the brim of the hat. Cut 2 pieces of black licorice twists long enough to encircle the hat brim and secure the licorice to the brim with toothpicks; remove the toothpicks after the buttercream is firm. Squeeze out the remaining black buttercream into a bowl, and thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the orange buttercream; do not attach any tips. Place the tube opening over the entire nose and pipe out buttercream as you pull the tool away from the nose. Cut 7 small licorice pieces, each about 1/8 inch square, and place them over the imprints of the eyes and mouth. Attach gumdrops over the imprints of the button and mitten.

Coconut-Frosted Snowman (allow about 1 hour)
Using food coloring paste, tint about 1 1/2 cups of the vanilla buttercream red. Tint about 1 cup of the buttercream black. Tint about 1/2 cup of the buttercream green. Tint about 1/2 cup of the buttercream yellow.

Spread the remaining plain vanilla buttercream over the body and face of the snowman, below the hat, following the curve of the body; do not frost the hat, nose, scarf and broom bristles. The buttercream should evenly coat the snowman with no cake showing through.

Starting with the face, gently press 2 cups shredded dried coconut (large flakes) onto the body, covering everything except the hat, nose, scarf and broom bristles.

Using a small offset spatula, frost the hat with the black buttercream, spreading it evenly over the top of the hat and just over the top of the brim. Fill the tube of a decorating tool with the remaining black buttercream and fit it with the small plain tip. Starting at the back of the hat, just above the brim, pipe a series of small round beads all the way around the hat. Pipe eyes on the face, underneath the hat, and pipe 5 dots in the shape of a smile underneath the nose.

Change to the small star tip. Starting at the back of the hat on theface of the brim, pipe small stars all the way around, covering theface of the brim. Thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the red buttercream and fit it with the large star tip. Starting at the bottom of the scarf, pipe shells up to the top of the scarf. Repeat on the back of the snowman. Pipe shells along the scarf line, directly around the neck. Pipe a shell for the hand. Thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the yellow buttercream and fit it with the leaf tip. Starting at the top of the hand, pipe broom bristles in straight lines, piping each line parallel to and just touching the previous one. No cake should show through. Thoroughly wash and dry the decorating tool.

Fill the decorating tool with the green buttercream and fit it with the leaf tip. Pipe 2 holly leaves up from the center of the front brim of the hat. Place a small cinnamon candy in the center of the leaves.

Carefully remove the coconut from the space just below the hand. Spread a small amount of the plain vanilla buttercream on one side of a 5-inch piece of light green licorice. Press it into the space below the hand to form a broom handle.

Cut off the bottoms of 3 black raspberry or gumdrop candies. Press them in a vertical line in the center of the belly to form buttons. Refrigerate the cake until firm, about 45 minutes. Keep refrigerated until 30 minutes before serving.

To Serve the Snowman Cake
Lay the cake down on the snowmans back. Using a serrated knife and starting at the widest end of the snowman, cut the cake into rounds. Cut the widest section into slices 1/2 inch thick, and the middle section into slices 3/4 inch thick. Cut the head and hat into slices 1 1/2 inches thick. Serves 12 to 14.

Williams-Sonoma Kitchen