Frying a Turkey

In recent years, frying the Thanksgiving turkey has caught on, and it's easy to see why: the skin becomes dark and crispy, while the meat remains tender and juicy. Also, it takes less time to fry a turkey than it does to roast it. Frying turkeys is a longtime tradition at Blackberry Farm, our partners in this year's Thanksgiving menu. Here are some of their best tips for pulling it off at home.

Safety first. The right equipment makes frying safe and easy. Use an indoor turkey fryer for the best results; it requires a third less ouil than traditional frying and achieves a crisp, even skin without being completely submerged in oil. Otherwise, move outside to fry the turkeys in a heavy pot.

Season ahead. Rub the turkey with plenty of spices to flavor the meat, and refrigerate for at least 12 hours to give the seasonings time to penetrate it. Or, inject the turkey with a marinade a couple of days before you cook it.

Avoid splattering. Always bring the turkey to room temperature before submerging it in the hot oil, and make sure it's completely dry inside and out.

Mind the time. Allow about 3 to 3 1/2 minutes of frying time per pound of turkey.