Melon Glossary

This popular melon has beige netted skin with undertones of green. The flesh is orange, moist and fragrant. Best in July and August.

The casaba is golden yellow, with a slightly wrinkled and ridged rind and creamy, pale yellow flesh. Any green in the skin indicates an unripe specimen. Best in September and October.

One of the true cantaloupes of France, it has smooth, gently ribbed skin that is pale green with radiating streaks of darker green. The flesh is orange. Best in July and August.

Also known as Santa Claus melon, this elongated fruit resembles a small, dark green watermelon with bright yellow streaks. The creamy white flesh is tinged with pale green and tastes similar to honeydew. Best in December.

Large, smooth-skinned and pointed at the stem end, the Crenshaw melon has a bright yellow rind mottled with dark green spots. Its fragrant flesh is cream to salmon colored, with a rich, spicy flavor. Best in August and September.

With smooth skin that ripens from pale green to creamy yellow, this melon has pale green flesh that is sweet and juicy. Best from June to October.

This melon features fine brownish netting over dark green skin. Its firm, sweet flesh is orange with faint pink tones. Best in August and September.