The Techniques – Cedar Plank Grilling

This grilling method is most often associated with salmon, but it also works with lobster, trout, and chicken.  The meat is laid on a natural, untreated cedar plank, which is then placed directly on the grill rack.  Place a bed of fresh dill, fennel fronds, bay leaves or rosemary sprigs between the meat and the plank before grilling to add moisture and herbal flavor.

Soak an untreated cedar plank in water to cover for at least 1 hour.  Prepare a charcoal or gas fire for direct-heat grilling. Place the plank on the grill, close the lid, and heat until the plank begins to smoke and crackle, about 5 minutes. Arrange the food on the plank, close the lid, and cook to desired doneness. The plank will smoke slightly, infusing the meat.  Have a water-filled spray bottle on hand to extinguish any flames (but be careful—the steam created from the water can cause burns).