Tips & Techniques Equip & Tools Using a Spiralizer

Spiralizing Primer

Working with a Spiralizer is simple. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions to assemble the machine, then follow these easy steps.

1. Place the Spiralizer on a nonporous work surface, like a counter top or marble board. Push firmly on the suction cups to secure the machine to the surface

2. Place the desired blade into the top slot. The extra blades are stored in the plastic drawers on one side of the machine.

3. Prep your vegetables or fruit. Peel them, if necessary, then cut off both ends to create 2 straight, flat surfaces.

4. Align the vegetable or fruit such that the small cylindrical protrusion near the blade is positioned in the center. Once aligned, push the vegetable in firmly.

5. Holding the vegetable or fruit in one hand, use your other hand to slide the handle toward the vegetable. Push the teeth of the handle into the end of the vegetable until it holds securely.

6. Crank the handle, applying even pressure toward the blade. The spiralized vegetable or fruit will emerge from the other side of the machine. If desired, place a bowl on the other side of the Spiralizer to collect the food as it falls from the blade.

Tips and Tricks

  • Choose the right vegetable. Use vegetables that are at least 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. Thicker vegetables will be easier to attach to the machine and will cut more evenly.

  • Center the food on the machine. Be sure to carefully center the vegetable or fruit on the slicer. This will help create uniform cuts.

  • Cut or break the noodles. Long, curly spiralized vegetables look pretty on the plate, but they can be difficult to eat. To make vegetable noodles more manageable, use your hands or a pair of kitchen scissors to break or cut the noodles every few turns. You can also chop ingredients with a knife after spiralizing.

  • Reduce moisture. Vegetables and fruits contain high amounts of water. Follow the recipe cues for moderating the moisture to ensure a good result.

  • Don't overcook. Vegetable noodles cook quickly. Follow the cues in the recipes and avoid overcooking, which could cause them to become mushy.